Common Problems In-Home Cinemas
A home cinema is a place where you need to comfortably sit and immerse yourself in the movie. Deliver not just good audio, but phenomenal audio. However, there’s so much more to an immersive sound experience than speakers and sub woofers. Make sure the acoustic treatment of your room will be sufficient to enhances the experience of movie watching. As the low bass tone from your speakers bounce around the listening room, depending on the room’s dimensions, those tones will build up in certain areas of the room and cause two problems. Some low tones will be totally cancelled out by the reflections, and you’ll hear very little bass, yet other tones will get more pronounced and overwhelm other frequencies. These are called modes. Rooms with equal dimensions tend to have more problematic modes. Also, as a rule of thumb, the smaller the room, the more issues you will have. Higher frequencies can also reflect, bouncing around your room degrading the sound quality and making it very difficult to understand the details in a movie.

Why Acoustic treatment is important in-Home Cinemas
There are multiple ways of acoustic treatment, but some of the most popular and effective techniques for home cinemas include:
- Stretched Fabric Wall Coverings: The best listening environment is one that contains precise and perfect acoustics. One of the simplest methods to achieve this is by integrating stretched fabric wall coverings into your home cinema.
- Sound Absorption Panels: For an enhanced home cinema experience, we need to catch point between absorption and diffusion, and this can be achieved with the Sound Absorption Panels used.
- Bass Traps: Bass can become an irritant; however, this acoustic irritant can easily be eradicated by bass traps. Dampening low frequency sound energy while achieving flatter low frequency responses, bass traps provide a more harmonious bass experience.
So a perfect Sound Absorption Panels can solve these issues and can give the perfect home cinema experience. Explore our acoustics resource.